7 Professional Dog Grooming Techniques You Can Do at Home

Handling your dog’s grooming routine can be overwhelming, especially if you have an unruly or anxious dog. But you can borrow a few tips from professional dog groomers to improve your dog’s relationship with bathing, drying, brushing, nail trimming, and more.

Here are some principles and techniques to follow when grooming your dog at home.

Basic Dog Grooming Principles

Introducing your dog to grooming while they are very young is the best way to be able to manage their grooming routine at home. If you’ve adopted an adult dog, this may not be possible, but you can still get them used to grooming by doing it frequently and regularly.

Secondly, you need to know your dog’s coat type and select the right products. Retrievers, poodles, and shih tzus often require extra care. If you have a long-haired or double-coated dog, you should do your research before starting grooming to save you and your pup unnecessary stress.

Bathing & Drying Techniques

All dogs need to be bathed, but not all dogs should be bathed at the same frequency. Additionally, you need to use shampoo that is tailored to your dog’s skin. Consult your vet if you are unsure about either of these things.

To bathe your dog like a professional, you need to keep them as calm as possible. This means paying special attention to the place where you’ll bathe your dog, so they don’t feel like they’re going to fall, slip, or become submerged underwater. Make sure the water temperature is comfortable, and there aren’t any loud noises or other conditions that can startle your dog.

This also means staying firm and in control but never getting upset with your dog or shouting at them. When you prepare a pleasant space for grooming, the process is likely to be less stressful for both of you.

When it comes to drying, dry your dog’s entire coat at once so it doesn’t curl unevenly. You should both hand dry using a highly absorbent towel and blow dry. Blow dry your dog’s coat from the right distance to avoid tangles. The longer the coat, the farther away the dryer should be.

Brushing & Detangling Techniques

Brush your dog’s coat regularly to prevent mats and tangles. Start by brushing once a day for a few minutes and increase the time as your dog becomes comfortable with it. Brushing helps distribute the natural oils through your dog’s coat, keeping it healthy and shiny, and it can also stop excessive shedding.

Classic bristle brushes work for many dogs, but you may need a slicker brush for long-haired dogs.

Before and during bathing, de-shed and de-mat your dog. This will make drying faster and leave less hair on the floor for you to clean up.

Nail Trimming & Paw Care Techniques

Nail trimming is an essential part of dog hygiene. Unclipped nails can lead to sudden breakage and infection. They can also push into your dog’s paw pads, causing pain and serious issues.

If you can, introduce it to your pup early. You can start with just one nail at a time, offering treats as you do it.

Don’t forget to trim the hair between your dog’s paw pads. Keeping this area hair-free helps keep it clean, prevent irritation, and give your dog traction while walking so they don’t slip.

Eye & Ear Care

All dog’s eyes and ears should be kept clean, but dogs with droopy eyes and ears require special care. 

Make sure your dog’s eyes are always free of discharge. If you notice persistent tearing or red-colored lower lids, consult your vet.

Ears, especially on dogs whose ears touch the ground, should be kept clean. But you want to avoid getting water in them, which can create a breeding ground for infection. Massage your dog’s ears and then wipe away any debris using a cotton ball or piece of gauze. Only use ear-cleaning solutions recommended by your vet, and don’t insert anything into your dog’s ears. 

Don’t use soap for your dog’s eyes or ears.

Haircuts & Styling

If you want to trim your dog’s hair yourself, you should invest in the proper tools, including high-quality scissors, clippers, and shears designed for dog grooming.

For example, trim your dog’s face, paw pads, and sanitary areas using a #10 blade before switching your blade for the rest of their body. You can use thinning shears to shape the fur on your dog’s face.

Bathe before clipping.

Maintaining a Grooming Schedule

You can think of grooming as part of training your dog. Consistently brush, bathe, and trim nails. This will especially help dogs who are anxious about grooming. Instead of dreading grooming and doing it only once in a while, do it often, and take breaks if necessary. 

Groom Your Dog Like a Pro With CleanTools

The keys to successful dog grooming at home are patience, consistency, and the right tools. But you don’t need to break the bank or open up a professional salon in your home to get them. With the Dog Lover’s Towel, you can dry your dog at lightning speed to prevent tangles, mats, and wet dog smells. Whether your dog loves or hates baths, this towel makes it easier to keep your pup happy and healthy.

Check our products


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